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Can Mindfulness Help With ADHD Management?

If you are suffering from ADHD, you won’t need anyone to tell you how upsetting and distracting the entire condition can be. ADHD affects everything in your life, including your job, your relationships, and the amount of control you have over everything you hold dear.

Here at Trifecta Health, we have years of experiencing of helping people just like you. We have a range of treatment methods available, all delivered under the watchful eye of Dr Edward Fruitman. Of course treatment also starts at home, and there are many self help methods which can work hand in hand with more formal treatment options.

 Have you heard of mindfulness?

The ADHD Resolutions

Anyone who has lived a life tinged by ADHD, be it directly or indirectly, will know that simply saying ‘be more organized’ is not going to cut the mustard. There is nothing on this Earth that can wave a magic wand and make everything go away, and make a person who has issues with organization, suddenly become super-organized.

Disorganization is a symptom of ADHD, but it is only one in a long line, which cause havoc to someone’s life, if it is left untreated.

Resolutions For a Happier You

New Year is almost upon us, and that means one thing - New Year’s Resolutions.

Are you someone who makes promises to yourself on that big night, or are you someone who avoids them because they never end up coming to fruition?

Whichever side you’re on, why not make this year the year it all changes? Make the best resolution there is - a resolution to be a happier version of you.

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