Get Help from Trifecta Health

“Help, I need somebody, Help! Not just anybody …”
The Beatles bopped along to this major hit back in the day, but perhaps they didn’t realize the profound effects of their words so many years down the line.
What is the hardest word for you to say?
Is it “sorry”, is it “please”, is it something else?
For many people, especially someone who is really struggling, the hardest word to say is certainly ‘help’.
Admitting that you need help is a strong thing to do; there is certainly on failing in saying “please help me, I’m struggling”, if anything, you’re displaying strong leadership and strength in yourself. For many however, that first step can be a difficult one to pluck up the courage to take.
“Help me if you can I’m feeling down …”
If you have ever suffered with the effects of depression, you probably couldn’t put your finger on how it felt; maybe you just felt sad, maybe you saw no brightness in the world, maybe you just felt completely and utterly dark and dismal. When you are struggling with these feelings, it’s difficult to seek help because you’re scared that your symptoms and feelings will be dismissed as just going through a tough time. The truth of the matter is however that you aren’t just going through a tough time, you’re struggling with a very real condition.
When you seek help, you will be greeted with a kind, warm, and helpful person who will talk to you and go through the treatment options. Here at Trifecta Health, we appreciate the struggle that many people go through in order to come to us, and we envy your strength and courage to do just that. From there, life gets easier because you are on the track to getting better.
“Help me get my feet back on the ground …”
We are committed to helping the residents of New York City gain the help they need, for whatever issue they are struggling with. Under the watchful eye of Dr Edward Fruitman MD, we offer a large range of different treatment options, all designed to be tailormade to your particular circumstances.
To give you an idea of what we offer, here are a few of our services, available at our 4 NYC offices:
Help and treatment for those suffering with ADD or ADHD
Help and treatment for depression and anxiety sufferers
TMS therapy, a revolutionary treatment to help those with severe depression, which hasn’t responded to any other treatment in the past
Ketamine for depression. Again, not everyone responds in the same way to antidepressants or cognitive behavioral therapy, and Ketamine is an option to explore
Botox or other cosmetic avenues to treat depression – Yes, seriously! Feeling good about yourself on the outside, has you feeling much better on the inside
Weight management treatments and advice
As you can see, we cover a huge range of issues, so uttering that one syllable word, “help”, can open up a world that is much more positive than the one you’re probably living in right now. Don’t hesitate, give us a call today at (800) 385-3905.