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ADHD and Corporate Success

Did you know that some of the most successful people in USA are diagnosed with ADHD?

As someone who is diagnosed with ADHD, the question of whether you can be successful while having this disorder may have popped into your head at one time or another. The answer to that question is YES!

Christmas And Anxiety Don’t Have to Work Hand in Hand

The festive season is a wonderful time of year.

Parties at every turn, families getting together, presents and festivities wherever you look.

There’s no denying that it can be great fun, but you know what else it is?


Why ADHD Can be a Cause of Relationship Problems

ADHD is one of the most undiagnozed problems around.

That means that a huge number of adults are walking around thinking that they’re simply very unorganized and unfocused, when the truth is, they have a condition which can be managed. The sad thing is that many of those people will never reach out for help and will therefore continue to struggle.

One area which is often hit by problems when someone has uncontrolled ADHD is relationships.

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