#1 Recommended NYC Psychiatrists test

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Trifecta Health Medical Center is a private psychiatric facility in Manhattan NYC that provides a wide range of services, such as Adult ADD/ ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Substance Abuse Treatments and Weight Management.

Telemedicine (virtual) appointments are now available. Call to book now.

Trifecta Health and renowned NYC Psychiatrist Dr. Edward Fruitman, M.D. dedicated and committed to improving our existing patient’s health and well-being.

We aim to provide high-quality and expert psychopharmacological treatments, combined with the support and structure of counseling, coaching and talk-therapy.


Call Us Today! (212) 302-1828



Trifecta Health Medical Center



Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatment in midtown Manhattan New York. Trifecta Health Medical Center is dedicated to helping professionals working in Midtown Manhattan NYC to get rapid relief of ADD/ ADHD symptoms.

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Depresion/ Anxiety treatments in Manhattan NYC. Depression is a serious medical condition. The symptoms of Depression may include sadness, changes in your weight and sleep schedule, loss of energy. Find top NYC psychiatrist at Trifecta Health today!

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Trifecta Health and top NYC psychiatrist Dr. Fruitman, M.D. offers Substance Abuse/ Addiction Treatment with Suboxone in New York City. Opioid dependence is a serious condition that is widespread in the professional community.

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Weight Management

Weight management options at Trifecta Health NYC

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Trifecta Health in 3 Manhattan Locations (downtown, midtown, UES) and top NYC Psychiatrist Dr. Edward Fruitman, M.D. offer ADHD, Depression/ Anxiety, Substance Abuse, Weight Management treatments and more in Manhattan.

Find top NYC psychiatrist at Trifecta Health today!

Trifecta Health Downtown

Address: 115 Broadway Suite 1300, New York, NY 10006
Phone: (212) 233-2830
Fax: (888) 348-5193

Trifecta Health Midtown

Address: 1430 Broadway Suite 900, New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 302-1848
Fax: (888) 348-5193

Trifecta Health Park Avenue

Address: 30 E 60th St Suite 2403, New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 233-2838
Fax: (888) 348-5193

We are committed to ensuring the wellbeing of our patients and staff. We are taking additional measures to keep our clinics safe and our patients informed.